
Showing posts from January, 2023


 Today is a great day. I am ready to eat my own lunch I packed. Today we went over Emily Dickinson and one of her poems. I actually didn’t know these facts about her before we started. I don’t really understand her poems so I have a lot of analyzing to be done.


 Today in class we started with the vocab quiz. I checked after to see what I scored and seen I only got one wrong. That is very good for my first vocab quiz. After we went over unpopular opinions. They were done pretty bold opinions.


 Today was a chill. I went to my rising 12th grade meeting at 10am. I signed up for one AP class, they tried to sign me up for more but I didn’t want to. I am okay with my schedule. 

Jan 26

 Today was a chill day. We learned a new set of vocabulary words. I am going to go home and study my lesson one words so I can be prepared for the quiz tomorrow. So excited.

Jan 25

 Today was  a long day. We went over ethos, pathos, and logos. Appeals that have to be used for writing. I was a little confused on how we were supposed to use it in my writing then I started to understand.


 Today is a good day. We started off with argument notes because on the EOC we have to write 2 essays. We would have to write a narrative and argumentative. Today I bought some snacks to put me in a better mood for today.


 Today we had a substitute for 2nd period. I did my work and learned so new words. On my vision board I told myself  I wanted to expand my vocabulary. I am doing good so far.


 Today is a good day so far. Last year on this date, I also had a good day. We started off with a cluster on things that are overrated. It took me a while to think of something. Until New York popped up and a whole bunch of subtopics about it. I am very confident about my cluster and details to start an essay about it.

Overrated Cluster



 Today we started of with the revising and editing process of writing. We took a couple of class samples to revise and edit. After we went over more brainstorming techniques. I heard of free writing before but never used it. My tummy has been hurting all day and is not having a good day.


 The film started off with a lady taking off her mask then it all went in reverse. In the film we saw different groups of people hanging out together. You can tell that they probably shared the same interests and hobbies because at a point in time a girl switched her mask when going to a different group. The main character’s mask was different from everyone else’s and she didn’t fit in anywhere. At the end she took the mask off. I think the message of this short film was to stop trying fit in and just be yourself.


 Today we went over the format of a body paragraph. These 6 step were very helpful because most of the time I forget how to even start a body paragraph. I am most likely going to use it in the future. So far these writing tips have been very helpful. My leg is still sore from the basketball game last night. But it will heal. I am so excited to see what the rest of today has in store for me.




 Today we went over the writing process and how to approach writing. The first step was brainstorming/ pre writing. I learned the clustering method and I am most likely going to use it in the future.


 In class we went over how to answer multiple choice questions. I already knew and used the process of elimination. I been in a good mood all day and felt even better when our assessment was postponed.

I, Too

 We started off class watching a video and answering a question about the purpose of life. Answering this question reminded me of the "Soul" where the man died and tried to find passion in life. At the end of the movie, the character teaches us to appreciate all the little moments that life has to offer. The poem "I, Too" made me remember that America wasn't always about equality and freedom. 

The Last 3 Minutes

 The purpose of life is living it to the fullest. In the short film, we glanced through the eyes of man as he lived. In his life he made connections, found love, and explored his passions. He also lost loved ones. There will be good and bad parts of life but you have to just live and adventure.

Mother to Son

Today in class we read a poem titled a Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. I was already feeling a bit irritated from my teacher changing my seat from the class before so I wasn’t prepared to read. The poem actually had a deeper meaning to it than I originally thought.


ill, did not come to school.

January 9

 Absent didn’t come to school.


 Waynijah Kuykendall  After graduating from high school, I want to go to college for athletic training. My hobbies are exercising and tumbling. My top 3 favorite music artists are Lil Baby, Toosii, and Rod Wave. Three interesting fact myself is I am from Arkansas, my favorite color is pink, and I have a dog named Bentley. My favorite food is Chicken. A place I want to visit that I haven’t yet would be Canada because it is north of the United States and seems like a fun place to visit.