
Showing posts from March, 2023

Last day

 Today we did more EOC practice. This was an informational text this time. Both of them was centered on student loan debt. We also talked about ways to have less debt from college. I plan to go hope and research colleges.


 Today in class we did vocabulary . We started lesson 10. I know a few of the words. Like for example impediment. I wonder if there is going to be a test on these words.


 Today practiced for the EOC. The questions were real questions about the two passages. I was confident answering them. I also liked the topic the passages were about. So I was able to read with ease.


 Today in class we wrote a 40 line poem.


 Today was a good day. We read and annotated a poem. I’m getting better at annotating. We answered some questions about the poem. I have to finish the questions another time.


 Today we did an assessment on fences. I finished my mini project. I check out my other classmates mini projects. My favorite was Malcolm’s facebook posts from Rose. I think I did good on my assessment.


 Today in class we started a mini project. I chose the top 10 websites visited by Rose. My websites are related to her and what is going on. I am very confident about the websites. I plan to finish it tonight.




 The film/book fences was great. It help me understand that parents treat their kids differently. Sometimes I forget there are children out there who have worse experiences growing up. I am thankful I have a mom that supports me and raised me right. Viola Davis was a great actor in the film. I rate it a 10/10.


 Today we watched the film Fences. I also finished up my questions on the book. The questions help me understand the book better. I believe it is a good book. Tomorrow we finish the film.

St Patrick’s Day

 Today we finished Fences. Also answered a few questions on it. We only were able to answer 15 questions on it. I can’t watch yo watch the movies. I will compare the play and movie when I do.

March 16

 Today we read the book fences. We read 3 scenes. Troy told Rose he was seeing another another woman. We were asked questions about the situation. I like the book.

March 15


March 14

 I came to class late. It was only like 10 minutes left in class. They were reading the book fences. After we answered questions out loud. Questions were relating to real life situations.


 Today we started reading a play. The play is titled Fences. We saw they trailer for the movie and I rate it 6/10. From the trailer the movie didn’t seem that exciting and I couldn’t tell what it was really about. I hope reading the book tells me what the story is about.


 Today is a great day. There is a basketball game today I cheer at. I hope the team wins. I ate breakfast. For breakfast I ate cereal.


 Today is a good day. We took our benchmarks today. I know the literary device foreshadowing. I also knew allegory. I was well prepared for the test.


 Today is was pretty cold this morning 48 degrees. It was another Robert Frost poem to annotate again. I wonder if there is going to be a test on Robert Frost poems. If so I am prepared. The poem was 7 lines but gave a good message about changing and seasons.


 Today was another poem by Robert Frost. This one I called Birches. It is 59 lines so we annotated as we went. I understand his poems better than Emily Dickinson. This poem brought back a personal connection.


 Today is an okay day. I woke up pretty hungry. Then I went to the cafeteria late so I didn’t get to eat breakfast. In class we watched a video on Robert Frost. I have never heard of him. His poem “Out Out” is actually pretty good.





March 1

 Today I worked in my group. I had the researcher role. The background of the story “Ambush” talked about the Vietnam war. So I researched about the Vietnam war and tactics used in it. I started to realize that war is very brutal and a tough topic.